Try Astrology for Financial Guidance in Greater Philadelphia
Carrie Lever's forty years as an astrologer, has her specializing in helping students/clients toward their journey of self-awareness (documented birth data only). Her statement is, "We really do come with a MAP, what does your chart say about you?" This Zoom course is geared to the beginner/intermediate student. At the end of 10 weeks, you will have the basic knowledge necessary to be placed into a Financial Astrology class if you are interested. A class that looks at IPO charts under an astrological eye. This is a fun Zoom class that covers stock market fundamentals, students stock picks, and journaling your way toward financial literacy. Zoom Classes now forming on line in Blue Bell, PA and Northville, MI. Finally, Carrie has a true documented story on warning Washington of 9/ll nearly a year before it happened. It's a good read and would make a better movie. It is a free read. Certified Screenwriters welcome from Hollywood to New York City. :) She continues to forecast political events. Her most recent on was forecasting Trumps win almost two years ago at the time when everyone was saying, "No Way!"