How Can You Benefit from Astrology?
by Carrie Lever
Granted I have the right birth time, I have yet to meet someone who does not fit their chart. A birth chart shows potential career directions, talents, family issues, the type of relationship you are looking for, your blind spots, and your basic psychological make-up. What you decide to do with the information is really your business. The beauty of the birth chart is that it can point out hidden talents and abilities that you may not have developed. Or, it can give you another view on yourself that helps you to grow.
This article summarizes how I see Astrology as a therapeutic intervention. I have taken a few therapeutic techniques and shown how Astrology can create the desired outcome that many traditional therapists look for in therapy. I see astrology as a therapeutic tool. I have worked years on bridging the gap between these two fields. I am not alone, but we are few and far between. I believe it was Carl Jung who tried to convince Freud of the therapeutic value in Astrology, to no avail. Our culture was not ready, but I believe there are more and more opportunities. There are fields popping up to add to the therapeutic world, such as anthropology as well as philosophy. So the field of psychology still has room for a lot of growth. It is still relatively young.
New therapeutic interventions are being discovered every day. Astrology is one possible intervention that has been sadly missed due to negative stereotyping. I would like to share my discoveries on astrology as a technique in therapeutic intervention. This is not an article to prove astrology works, my 40 years in the field tells me it does. This is merely an article showing that therapeutic interventions work with astrology.
New therapeutic interventions are being discovered every day. Astrology is one possible intervention that has been sadly missed due to negative stereotyping. I would like to share my discoveries on astrology as a technique in therapeutic intervention. This is not an article to prove astrology works, my 40 years in the field tells me it does. This is merely an article showing that therapeutic interventions work with astrology.
After receiving my certification in astrology, I realized that I needed more training in counseling, so I went back for a Master's in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family. I made the mistake of telling one of my mentors assigned upon admission. I spent the next 5 years regreting it as I was scrutinized by some professors in the department. I must admit there were times along the way that I hoped, no- PRAYED- I would come to my senses and do the acceptable career (by others) and be just a therapist. This was not to be. My inner voice was just too darn strong. For better or for worse, I am an astrologer with a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy and trained by Child Guidance's, Dr Marion Goldberg.
It will be 30 years now since I first started working to put these two fields together, and with a few bumps and bruises along the way, I am older and wiser. I am comfortable with my own style, taking from astrology, psychology and life's many lessons. More and more, I see how astrology provides therapeutic interventions.
It will be 30 years now since I first started working to put these two fields together, and with a few bumps and bruises along the way, I am older and wiser. I am comfortable with my own style, taking from astrology, psychology and life's many lessons. More and more, I see how astrology provides therapeutic interventions.
Case in Point, Jerry...
Presenting Problem. Here is an example of how astrology helps to join with even the most difficult client. Jerry (alias) is a 32 year old, single male from Ireland. He has been in therapy for two years in the US. He continues to see his therapist while initiating a visit with me- the astrologer. He has been diagnosed with manic depression and has attempted suicide twice. He is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for two years. Jerry is a very astute and ethical male who deals with a lot of anger. His demeanor is defensive. He comes into my office with many questions and he wants answers. He was intense.
Therapeutic Intervention #1-Tracking
Tracking is a therapeutic technique that helps to pinpoint the source of a problem or reason for the visit. This means discovering when and the under what circumstances a presenting problem began. This gives valuable information to the therapist. There are astrological techniques that are used to track events in an individual's life. I do this with each new client that I see AND study the chart three independent times. (I walk away, think about it, sleep on it. I return to the chart usually two more times to be as emotionally neutral as possible.)As in Jerry's case, this astrological tool was a pivotal turning point of the session. When I asked ,"What happened at 15?" Jerry's eyes lit up and he began to open up. Astrology is an excellent tool for tracking as you will read.
Therapeutic Intervention #2- Building Trust ....The Past Ahead of Time
Prior to his first visit, I had studied his chart. Among other points, his chart indicated a serious crisis between 15-17 years of age. The chart also indicated a difficult father figure (afflicted Saturn). Trust and intimacy stood out as an issue (afflicted Uranus and Pluto in the 8th).
As the first session began, I noted that he was testing my knowledge. He was not trusting and he was very defensive. I wondered if I would ever see him after the first session. After collecting some information, we began to discuss his birth chart in English, not 'astrologese'. He listened and listened, at one point I asked about his father and I said, "it appears that he has played a profound impact on your life." Astrology was used to get to a key issue. A traditional therapy session would likely take 5-7 sessions we did it in one. Now, we had a core issue to work on.
He immediately went into a long story about how his dad was an alcoholic and beat his mother when he was growing up. He was always protecting his mother. He was clearly still troubled by the relationship he had with his father. He wanted to work on it. A little later I asked, "What happened when you were 15? This seemed to be enough for him to open up. Jerry began to tell a compelling story of a day that his brother fell off a ladder while they were working as painters. His brother was seriously injured and unconscious. Jerry and his father put his brother in the station wagon and drove to the hospital. On the way, Jerry's dad blamed him for the accident and tells him that he never loved him. Jerry was 15. He ran away from home that day never to return. This information was covered in the first session.
As the first session began, I noted that he was testing my knowledge. He was not trusting and he was very defensive. I wondered if I would ever see him after the first session. After collecting some information, we began to discuss his birth chart in English, not 'astrologese'. He listened and listened, at one point I asked about his father and I said, "it appears that he has played a profound impact on your life." Astrology was used to get to a key issue. A traditional therapy session would likely take 5-7 sessions we did it in one. Now, we had a core issue to work on.
He immediately went into a long story about how his dad was an alcoholic and beat his mother when he was growing up. He was always protecting his mother. He was clearly still troubled by the relationship he had with his father. He wanted to work on it. A little later I asked, "What happened when you were 15? This seemed to be enough for him to open up. Jerry began to tell a compelling story of a day that his brother fell off a ladder while they were working as painters. His brother was seriously injured and unconscious. Jerry and his father put his brother in the station wagon and drove to the hospital. On the way, Jerry's dad blamed him for the accident and tells him that he never loved him. Jerry was 15. He ran away from home that day never to return. This information was covered in the first session.
Therapeutic Intervention #3- Tracking for Prevention of Depression
Jerry dealt with depression. A behavioral technique of planning a daily, weekly routine was implemented. Goals established. I typed out a personalized calendar of the month ahead. It highlighted the days that were good to get mental or physical work done. I cautioned against days that would leave him challenged. We discussed ahead of time what could be done on the days that -astrologically- looked challenging. In essence, astrology offered Jerry a chance to plan ahead to avoid the pitfalls of depression. This has been popular with many of my clients. Astrology not only looks at the past and present, it also looks into the future. Basically, this is why many come into a session. Traditional therapists have argued that telling somebody about what is going to happen to them, takes away autonomy. I would counter-argue that there is a way to handle telling the client about upcoming "themes" in their life, that still puts the power in their hands- not in mine. I continually communicate to my clients that they are not only coming from a past, but building towards a future. They know their lives better than I do, but astrology can give them time to prepare for up coming themes. I help them to be conscious of their choices. Again, each planet and/or aspect has a positive and negative manifestation. It all depends how you use the energy. It all comes down to choices. This has often led to working on what it is that they want in their life. Pulling out their healthy goals and wishes.
Therapeutic Intervention #4- Allowing for Autonomy, Forwarned is Forarmed
We met about once a month over a summer, during which time he sent his dad a plane ticket to come to the US. He wanted to work on this relationship with his father. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out as well as he had hoped. The astrological time frame for the arrival of his father was very conflictual and I warned him (a full moon eclipse phase was in effect.) We discussed what he could do if his father's visit did not turn out as he had hoped. What were his goals for the visit? What safeguards could he put in place during this important time that would help it run smoothly and safely? Unfortunately, his father remained belligerent, violent and drunk for a good portion of the visit. He had been forewarned and had thought of an alternate place to stay ahead of time that kept them both safe from each other.
Therapeutic Intervention #5-Joining and Validation
Two key steps in therapy are to join with your client and validate the client. What happened to help Jerry open up? Astrology was used to validate Jerry's experiences. He did not have to fight to be understood and believe me he was ready to fight his point. But it was all there in the chart....validating him and his existence. When Jerry could hear from an outside source that he had a difficult father and that at the age of 15 something difficult had happened, his whole demeanor changed from defensive to being validated. You could see it in his face. He did not have to explain himself at length. Joining had occurred. This played a tremendous role in building trust.
Therapeutic Intervention #6- Objectivity
There is one final intervention that no therapy I know of can offer, which is that astrology allows for objectivity of the self. Clients are allowed to see themselves projected on a chart, on a piece of paper, or on the computer screen. This allows them to see themselves from a distance. A wonderful intervention because this takes the pressure off from the client that would otherwise stifle the moment. It is the third person in the room that can be played with in a whole host of creative interventions. For example, Jerry was a defensive client, by taking the attention off from him, his defenses were allowed to come down long enough to build some trust between client and astrologer. A huge therapeutic intervention.
Getting Past the Label and Getting to the Point
What come first the chicken or the egg? When Jerry ran away from home at age 15, did this cause the manic depression and suicide attempts later on, or was it just going to happen? Western thought needs to identify the problem, so we label and classify. The DSM- Diagnostic Statistical Manual seeks to classify a problem in order to treat it. It is helpful for insurance purposes, but there are strong arguments that labels make it difficult to break away. It becomes a crutch or and excuse. Astrology offers another language all together. Working together with the individuals with an accurate birth chart, astrology points to the source of the problem- not the secondary and tertiary problems that are layered on top, e.g., alcoholism, co-dependency etc. a good therapist will find this, yet not likely in the first two or three sessions.
Astrology can be used therapeutically. I hope the examples I have given, show the benefits of using astrology as a therapeutic intervention. Astrology has the potential of cutting through the first several sessions of traditional therapy. In an age where time is short and quick results are best, astrology offers strong potential. Astrology offers a "change in thinking", "a shift", " a reframe". It helps the client plan ahead and develop goals. It fills a curiosity about the self. It is food for the soul. It gives another perspective on life, unlike traditional ways of looking at life, and it covers more ground. It is a wealth of self-knowledge. It shows past, present and future themes in an individuals life, with the idea that they are in control. In essence, astrology can and does work as a therapeutic technique.
Over the last few months of consulting with clients I have had a growing concern that many people have a misconception about what about what astrology does and does not do. In this article I share my orientation as an Astrologer and how I consult with clients. I hope to help the reader to understand how to benefit from an astrological consultation.
Beatrice (alias), with a career previously in Health Administration, found herself getting back into music when she stopped working to raise her family. Beatrice had been in a band and had also performed on the coffee-house circuit many years prior. She was lately discovering an ability to write songs, which she was working hard at when she first came to see me for a consult.
Her chart indicated talents as a singer, musician, and songwriter. This provided confirmation and clarity for Beatrice to continue to develop her musical skills and work on "shopping" her music. Her chart also suggested favorable times to take advantage of some opportunities that would come her way. Beatrice took the advice provided by this astrological consult, and sent music to someone who was seeking songs at around the time that her chart suggested. A month later she received a call from a publisher prominent in the industry, and she began to work with him (and has been working with him for several months now).
At that time, there were others that expressed some interest in her music as well, Beatrice requested another consultation to help her decide which person she would work with best. She provided the astrological data of those involved. The next astrological consult helped her to make that decision. Her choice was later confirmed by other industry people who had had experience with all the parties she was considering working with.
She continues to pursue her musical work with fervor. Astrology has provided her with some very useful guidance regarding the timing of favorable opportunities and the character qualities of the people that she could work well with.Although the road to success in the music business is a long and hard one, She recognizes that she is moving in the right direction. She obtains astrological consultations at regular intervals.
Her chart indicated talents as a singer, musician, and songwriter. This provided confirmation and clarity for Beatrice to continue to develop her musical skills and work on "shopping" her music. Her chart also suggested favorable times to take advantage of some opportunities that would come her way. Beatrice took the advice provided by this astrological consult, and sent music to someone who was seeking songs at around the time that her chart suggested. A month later she received a call from a publisher prominent in the industry, and she began to work with him (and has been working with him for several months now).
At that time, there were others that expressed some interest in her music as well, Beatrice requested another consultation to help her decide which person she would work with best. She provided the astrological data of those involved. The next astrological consult helped her to make that decision. Her choice was later confirmed by other industry people who had had experience with all the parties she was considering working with.
She continues to pursue her musical work with fervor. Astrology has provided her with some very useful guidance regarding the timing of favorable opportunities and the character qualities of the people that she could work well with.Although the road to success in the music business is a long and hard one, She recognizes that she is moving in the right direction. She obtains astrological consultations at regular intervals.
A common desire from clients is to know exactly what is going to happen to them. An Astrologer may know what influences a client is going through, but cannot make decisions and choices for a client. We all make decisions consciously and unconsciously at every moment that ultimately direct our lives. So, I am saying that we are all in control or out of control with our lives at any given time. This all sounds so simple, yet, I still have clients that want to know exactly what they will do. Many are asking to be told were their future is. Granted the chart does indicate influences that are at work in your life and your talent-it does not tell you what decisions to make. You do.
When I first discovered Astrology, I was consumed with knowing how I was different from, as well as, similar to others. Later, I began to use Astrology as a tool or a guide to help me to organize and work on areas of my life that I wanted to change. Today, I use it to make the best of my time. Most people look at watches or calendars to plan time; time to go on vacation or when to do Spring cleaning etc... I use the astrological clock for this and more.
When I first discovered Astrology, I was consumed with knowing how I was different from, as well as, similar to others. Later, I began to use Astrology as a tool or a guide to help me to organize and work on areas of my life that I wanted to change. Today, I use it to make the best of my time. Most people look at watches or calendars to plan time; time to go on vacation or when to do Spring cleaning etc... I use the astrological clock for this and more.